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My interest in people and cultures around the world began more than 50 years ago in the Peace Corps in Nigeria. Retirement from a career in managing public and private social programs set me free to explore the world with a camera in hand.

I enjoy the challenge of connecting to people and cultures in remote parts of the world - always hoping to share some insight into their lives while photographing them at home, at work or in performance in natural and traditional settings.   


My pictures have been published in magazines and books, and exhibited in juried gallery shows in California and Washington, DC.   In March, 2011,  it was an honor to have my images selected as part of an exhibition at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Recently I have become more interested In photojournalism, telling stories about events and issues, especially stories about the lives of women and children around the world.   I welcome requests to document these issues, or to use existing images as part of other projects.